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  • This dataset provides surface Stokes drift as retrieved from the wave energy spectrum computed by the spectral wave model WAVEWATCH-III (r), under NOAA license, discretized in wave numbers and directions and the water depth at each location. It is estimated at the sea surface and expressed in m.s-1. WAVEWATCH-III (r) model solves the random phase spectral action density balance equation for wavenumber-direction spectra. Please refer to the WAVEWATCH-III User Manual for fully detailed description of the wave model equations and numerical approaches. The data are available through HTTP and FTP; access to the data is free and open. In order to be informed about changes and to help us keep track of data usage, we encourage users to register at: This dataset was generated by Ifremer / LOPS and is distributed by Ifremer / CERSAT in the frame of the World Ocean Circulation (WOC) project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA).

  • The SWISCA Level 2S (L2S) product provides along-track colocation of SWIM wave measuring instrument onto SCAT scatterometer grid, over the global ocean. SWIM and SCAT are both instruments onboard CFOSAT. CFOSAT (Chinese French Ocean SATellite) is a french-chinese mission launched in 2018, whose aim is to provide wind (SCAT instrument) and wave (SWIM instrument) measurements over the sea surface. The SWISCA L2S product is broken down into three different subproducts: - L2A containing the sigma0 of both SWIM and SCAT - L2B containing the wave parameters measured by SWIM and wind vectors measured by SCAT - AUX containing additional ancillary fields such as sea ice concentration (from CERSAT/SSMI), ocean currents (from CMEMS/GlobCurrent), SST and Wind (from ECMWF), rain rate (from IMERG), and WaveWatch3 wave spectra. All SWIM and ancillary observations are resampled onto SCAT scatterometer's geometry (wind vector cells, WVC). The SWISCA level 2S product is generated in delayed mode, a few days after acquisition. It is intended to foster cross analysis of SWIM and SCAT observations, and their combination to improve the retrieval of both wind and wave parameters. The SWISCA L2S product is generated and distributed by Ifremer / CERSAT in the frame of the Ifremer Wind and Wave Operation Center (IWWOC) co-funded by Ifremer and CNES and dedicated to the processing of the delayed mode data of CFOSAT mission.